Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Papers Submitted!

My papers were submitted Tuesday! After an incredible interview with my stake president, my papers have been submitted, and now I just wait for my call! The guesses have been pouring in and I can't wait to find out where I'll serve.

I have to be honest, I sat in my car before my interview and was asking myself if I could do this and if I really wanted to. For those who don't know me very well, I tend to get excited about a new thing and do it for a couple months and then get burnt out. I did this with gymnastics, dance, voice lessons, acting, etc. and I was worried this might be the same kind of thing. Then there was the worry about my health and maybe I was just biting off more than I could chew. Maybe I was pushing my limits too much. I then got a notification on my phone with two emails from two different friends who are out on their missions. The one I read had something that put me at peace, he said, "He would not invite us to do anything he knows we are not capable of doing."
This really helped me with my worries and I pushed the feelings down and went in.

At the end of the interview, my Stake President said he had a prayer in his heart about whether or not this is what I should do and his response silenced all my doubt. He said,
"Sister Nielsen, I want you to know that my prayer has been answered and through the Holy Ghost, Heavenly Father has confirmed to me that this calling is extended to you; I'm going to submit your mission papers." I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night and I told myself that whenever I feel doubt or fear about this decision because I inevitably will, I will look back on today and remember how I felt and remember what was said.

I'm so excited to share the gospel as a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I can't wait to find out where I'll be serving. Feel free to leave your guesses if you'd like.


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