Friday, December 8, 2017

15 Facts about Calgary/Canada

Since I'm a researcher and I like to research about things pertaining to me, I did a little research about Calgary. So, here's 15 facts about Calgary!

  1. The Calgary Stampede, an annual 10-day event (starting this year on Friday, July 6th) bills itself as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.” It features the world’s largest rodeo, concerts, a midway, First Nations exhibits, chuckwagon racing, agricultural competitions, stage shows and a parade. (I'll get a little piece of home with me with the Rodeo)
  2. It’s a youthful city and full of energy. The average age is 35.7 years.
  3. English and French are the official languages of Canada, but more than 120 languages are spoken in the city.
  4. Canada uses the metric system: Celsius, Kilometers, Centimeters, etc.
  5. According to, Calgary is the cleanest city in the world!
  6. A Chinook in Calgary (a warm wind) can raise the temperature by as much as 15C and in a few hours, you can go from parkas to short-sleeves.
  7. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -45 C (-49F) in February, 1893. The warmest day ever recorded was 36.1C (97F) in July, 1919. The average high is in the 70’s F. (I have to buy a separate coat when I get to Calgary because the coats here aren't good enough...)
  8. On average, 36 days of the year have winds greater than 52 KMS per hour (or 32 MPH). The windiest days occur in December and January – that’s why you get wind chills down in the -40 C range... or worse.
  9. There is no provincial sales tax in Calgary – or Alberta for that matter, so you only pay 5% tax on Goods and Services. (Here in Utah it's 4.7%)
  10. You can walk 18 KMS (11 miles) in downtown Calgary without having to go outside! The Plus 15 , a feature unique to Calgary, is an inside walkway that connects 100 buildings with 6o suspended bridges 15 feet above the ground
  11. The tallest building is the Calgary Tower (the space needle of Calgary) and it is 191 M with a spinning restaurant at the top (see? space needle)
  12. Canada actually has a Monarchy and is under Queen Elizabeth II with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (he's 45 and eye candy)
  13. They use Canadian dollars. 1 Canadian dollar is .78 US dollars.
  14. Canada Day is July 1, similar to Independence day for the US on July 4.
  15. Thanksgiving in Canada is held on the 2nd Monday of October instead of the 4th Thursday in November like the US.

Monday, December 4, 2017

That Big, White, Envelope

After nearly eight very long-awaited weeks, my mission call arrived on Saturday, December 2 and yes, you read that correctly, Saturday. However, Saturday was a very busy day for me and after four days of checking the mail prior and not seeing that big white envelope, I was aggravated and wasn’t even going to check the mail on Saturday, because I figured mission calls never come on Saturdays. As I woke up Sunday morning, I figured I would check anyway. I had a feeling since I had given up hope, it would be there, and it was!

I sat through three hours of slightly distracted church… and afterward, gathered my friends and family together to read my call to… CANADA, CALGARY! Which, is exactly where I wanted to go. I had a dream previously about going to Canada on my mission and both me and my mom knew I was going to Canada. I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to go, and this is a calling from the Lord. I feel so blessed. I will arrive at the Provo MTC on March 21 and teach in the English language. I couldn’t be more excited to serve the people of Canada and I can’t wait to teach about the greatest gift that has had such a strong impact in my life, the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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